Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Spring Break! (or A Day at the Lake)

So fair, so cold; like a morning of pale spring still clinging to winter's chill. - J.R.R. Tolkien

It is that time of year again. Springtime...oh yes...the smell of the sweet green grass beginning to sprout through the thawing ground...the freshly budding trees...

Just not here in Ontario...

In honour of spring break, my children were excited to host their cousins for a few days.  Their  first determination was to go skating (a very good spring idea, naturally). To the lake they went to clear the foot and half of snow off a small patch of ice on the lake behind our house. The cold did not bother them...the wind did not bother them (however, I came back with frozen, swollen toes, go figure.)
With an afternoon of clearing and clearing....and clearing.  The faithful crew were able to finally  skate...on our frozen lake...in the middle of March.

Here's to our spring afternoon (in Ontario)...

Clearing the snow for our ice rink

no small feat...
my son Ethan

My daughter and her cousins...

My littlest son resting from all the work....

lakeside view...

My nephew...

My daughter...

my niece with her snow umbrella (to block the bright sunshine)...

my niece...
Three hours later...

And finally skating...
Trying to make it back home...over the river, and through the woods...and up the hill...

The end!

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