Friday, 16 May 2014


 Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better. - Albert Einstein

After five long months of winter...the world outside seemed to change almost over night.  As I was driving my children into town, I was amazed at the bright green grass along the way.  I was sure it was special green grass that had just been planted. Our world has been grey and brown for so long..I had honestly forgotten what new spring green grass looked like.
Though the Canadian winters are long, spring has an almost magical effect.  It can make you forget that just a few weeks ago were seemingly endless days of snow and ice.

Here is the beautiful world outside my doorstep today...

The End!


  1. So amazing and beautiful - very different to all that snow just a while ago.

    1. Yes it is a nice change from all the snow :) I am so very happy you enjoyed the pictures!! Thank you!!

  2. It truly is refreshing to see the beautiful colors of spring! Thanks for sharing these pics. They're beautiful! :)

    1. Thank you Peter! I am glad that you enjoyed them. I enjoyed capturing the beauty outside...
